

International Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA)


Sewer trench backfilled with natural reactive clays can cause devastating deformations due to reactive clay being susceptible to swelling and shrinkage upon changes in moisture content. Therefore, this research studies the influence of recycling waste materials in enhancement the geotechnical properties of backfilling materials. Crushed glass was utilized as waste material and blended with reactive clay at different proportions being 0%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 100%. Experimental tests were carried out to explore the optimum glass content by investigating the physical and mechanical properties of clay-glass mixtures, which included swelling, shrinking and strength characteristics. The findings presented that increasing glass proportion raised maximum dry density and reduced optimum moisture content. Swelling, shrinkage and strength tests showed that no significant improvement beyond 40% glass content, which was recommended as the optimum glass content. The outcome of this study enhances understanding of clay behavior with recycled glass, promoting sustainable construction.