



The current research aims to know the extent of the impact of the dimensions of manufacturing flexibility represented by (size flexibility, machinery flexibility, product flexibility, process flexibility, expansion flexibility) in supporting the marketing performance represented by (market share, sales volume, profitability) in the General Company for Leather Industries – Baghdad The data was collected based on the questionnaire, where (36) forms were distributed to a sample of working individuals, including managers, heads of departments, divisions, administrative units, workers in production lines and individuals who have experience and know-how in the marketing field, and the analysis was conducted using the statistical program (spss. Ver- 24) with the aim of obtaining the results of analyzing the correlation and influence relations between the independent variable (manufacturing flexibility) and the dependent variable (marketing performance). A set of statistical tools and methods were used for the purpose of statistical analysis and extracting results, the most important of which are T-test, F-test, correlation coefficient, and simple, multiple and graduated linear regression analysis. The research came out with a set of conclusions, among which there was a correlation and a significant effect between manufacturing flexibility and marketing performance, and in light of the conclusions, a set of recommendations were presented, including: increasing the company’s interest in manufacturing its products with different models and designs through the adoption of advanced machines that meet the requirements of customers as well as diversification in the markets to which products are provided.