

EUREKA: Physics and Engineering


Cosmetics play an important role of human external appearance, its products used to alter or enhance the facial appearance or the body and skincare, currently worldwide consumed with frequently use increasing the human body exposure to the various chemical elements including radioactive substances. This research aimed to measure the concentrations of alpha emitters, and the annual effective dose AED resulting from radon intake. LR-115 track detector used to measure radon, and radium concentrations in 20 cosmetics samples selected from markets. In this work the concentrations of radon in the samples found to vary from 9.876 to 30.97 Bq/m3 with 22.11 Bq/m3 a mean value, this mean value is a very small than 100 Bq/m3 the reference level limits of the World Health Organization (WHO). The annual radon effective dose varied between 0.249–0.781 mSv/y which is within the range of 0.2-10 mSv/y (UNSCEAR). Radium contents vary between 0.041–0.249 Bq/Kg with 0.115 Bq/Kg as a mean value. This work identified law measured concentrations of radionuclide present in cosmetics showed its safe for use.