Cryptographic algorithms are gaining importance due to their relevance and importance in the areas of privacy and security experienced by the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. They improve data privacy and confidentiality by limiting who can decrypt the data to the person who has the key. Advanced encryption standard (AES) is one of the most important encryption algorithms in use. This algorithm uses 10 rounds for each encryption and decryption process and encrypts data starting with 16 bytes, which increases the time needed for encryption and decryption. In order to speed up encryption and decryption while maintaining security levels more than or equal to those offered by the AES algorithm, this paper proposes an algorithm called tiny advanced encryption standard (TAES) with two different scenarios. As the encryption process starts with 4 bytes and goes up to an unlimited number of bytes, TAES features are less complex and more flexible than those of AES and can be quickly implemented, and are characterized by high encryption of images, texts, and sounds. The proposed TAES algorithm is tested on text and images using the MATLAB software. The result is completely distorted images and text. The test results also unveil that the encryption and decryption speeds as well as the throughput of the proposed TAES is much better than those of the original AES algorithm. Moreover, a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values are obtained, indicating a greater degree of image distortion as a consequence of utilizing the proposed TAES algorithm