

International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology


Wheat and barley crops are used as food by humans and animals, their health effects on human life must be under the control, so it is important to measure their radiation concentrations. This work aimed to determine radon, radium, and uranium in barley and wheat crops planted in the Nineveh plains region. The technique of alpha track registration by CR-39 detector is used in measurements of the samples from ten planted locations. Radon, radium, and uranium mean concentrations found are 92.58 Bq.m−3, 0.4212 Bq kg−1 and 0.368 ppm, respectively. The uranium activity concentration and the total annual effective dose equivalent mean values are 4.546−1 and 67.73 μSv/y. The results showed that the activity in locations depends on the agriculture soil of the area, and the amount of fertiliser applied in soil. All results are below the world permissible limits so the wheat and barley in the studied area are safe for consumption