

Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics


Environmentally safe factors include clean soil and water that are free of pollution, particularly radioactive pollution, which has a significant impact on human health. Concentrations of uranium and radium were measured. in some fruit and vegetable samples collected from locally cultivated plants in the Nineveh governorate and chosen from among the people’s most popular foods. Radium concentrations ranged from 0.085 to 0.366 Bq.Kg-1 and the range of uranium concentrations was 0.0935 to 0.4010 ppm with a mean value of 0.2327 ppm. The annual total effective equivalent dose from natural radionuclide ingestion ranged from 6.1988 to 41.883 Sv.y-1, with a mean value of 18.602 Sv.y-1. These values are much lower than the background dose from natural radionuclide ingestion in food, which is approximately 0.25-0.4 mSv per year. The samples’ total radon concentrations were all found to be far below the ICRP’s (International Committee on Radiological Protection) permitted level of 400 Bq.m-3 in fruits.