

Journal of Prospective Researches


Assessment of natural radiation exposure, by Inspection radioactivity level from radionuclides in the soil, is very important to be their quantity under control. Depending on geological locations, uranium varies widely in soil (from 0.1 to 20 ppm). Sixteen samples of soil collected from different locations in the north of Nineveh province-Iraq and the level of uranium measured using a CR-39 nuclear track detector. Uranium concentrations vary (from 0.393 to 0.867) ppm and mean value is 0.592 ppm. Uranium specific activity from 4.866 to 10.716 Bq kg− 1 the mean value 7.317 Bq kg− 1. Results compared with average values worldwide in general, values found lower than of permissible limit worldwide uranium concentration value of 11.7 ppm, and uranium specific activity value of 35 Bq/Kg