Paper| Determining the optimal direction and angle of incidence of solar radiation to obtain electrical energy from solar panels in the Nineveh Plain region 2023 | BAN A. BADR, Hanaa N. Azeez, Malik H. Kheder, Rajaa A. Basheer
Paper| Photodetector Based on Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles Produced via Pulsed Laser Ablation 2022 | BAN A. BADR, Muna Y. Slewa
Conference| Optoelectronic Properties of ZnO/Si Heterojunction Prepared by Laser Ablation 2022 | BAN A. BADR
Conference| Preparation and characterization of ZnMgO nanostructured materials as a photodetector 2021 | BAN A. BADR
Paper|Effect of Boron on Structural, Optical Characterization of Nanostructured Fe2O3 thin Films 2020 | BAN A. BADR, Muna Y. Slewa
Paper|Effects Of Substrate Temperatures On Optical Properties And Constants Of Zno Prepared By Pld 2019 | BAN A. BADR
Paper|Epitaxial growth of photonic LiNbO3 nano crystals and structural studies using for waveguides . 2018 | BAN A. BADR
Paper|Synthesis of Nano porous silicon/ silicon hetrostructures for optoelectronic applications. 2018 | BAN A. BADR, Thoalfiqar A. Zaker
Paper| Optical and morphological studies of LiNbO3 nano and micro photonic structural 2018 | BAN A. BADR
Conference| Synthesis of Bi2O3 films, studying their optical, structural, and surface roughness properties 2018 | BAN A. BADR
Paper| Epitaxieal Growth of Photonic LiNbO3 Nano Crystals and Structual Studies using for Waveguides 2018 | BAN A. BADR, Malik H. Kheder
Paper|Epitaxial growth of photonic LiNbO3 Nano Crystals and structural studies using for optical waveguide. 2018 | BAN A. BADR, Malik H. Kheder
Conference: Enhancement of Lithium Niobate nanophotonic structures via spin-coating technique for optical waveguides applicationConference: 2017 | BAN A. BADR